At last! A response from Social Services, RCT – However…

This “post” is an update to my previous one – No response from Social Services, RCT (see below). Being that it’s all explained in my last “post” I won’t delve into the details here. Suffice to say that I emailed Social Services, RCT on the 6th July 2008, but, apparently, my email was abducted and is now somewhere in Cyberspace, presumably never to reappear ever again; solid evidence for the existence of aliens, I think! Oh…sorry, the official reason was…“inadvertently misplaced,” whatever that means!

Anyway, if not for the excellent work of Leanne Wood AM, I undoubtedly would still be waiting for a response. So our thanks to Leanne, again, for helping ASD sufferers in their fight for assistance with their disorder and to be recognised as important contributors to society.

The long awaited reply, a letter received yesterday (21st), from Mr E Williams, Social Services, RCT is reproduced below, followed by my interpretation of events, thus far.

Date: 17th February, 2009

Tel.No.(direct line) 01443-424141

Dear Mr. ******,

“I Exist” Report – The National Autistic Society Cymru

I refer to your e-mail dated 6th July 2008, which has been forwarded to me by Ms. Leanne Wood (AM).

I apologise for the delay in responding to this e-mail, which unfortunately seems to have been inadvertently misplaced.

In response to the legitimate issues you raise, I can confirm that a number of positive actions have been taken within this Local Authority in response to the publication of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan for Wales. These can be summarised as follows:

· The Establishment of the RCT Multi-Agency ASD Strategic Group

The main purpose of this Group is to set a clear direction of travel for the development of services within the local area by ensuring that specific/measurable actions are progressed and successfully delivered in accordance with the actions outlined in the ASD Strategic Action Plan for Wales. The Group’s membership includes representation from:

Ø RCT Education and Learning Support.
Ø RCT Children’s Services.
Ø RCT Learning Disability Services.
Ø RCT Local Health Board.
Ø Fframwaith Children and Young People’s Partnership.
Ø Service Users
Ø Careers Wales
Ø RCT Parent and Carer Network.
Ø National Autistic Society.

· A Conference is being planned for 19th March 2009

The conference will help to demonstrate the range of work and initiatives taking place.

· A Consultant has been commissioned

The Consultant will support and assist the Strategic Group in achieving the following key aims:

Ø Form a Local Stakeholder Group including people with ASD and their families/carers, who will be encouraged to provide views and suggestions to the developing action plan.

Ø Collate and provide data on the numbers of identified children and adults with ASD within the local area.

Ø Collate and provide information on the identified needs of people of all ages with ASD in the local area, and map current services for people with ASD across agencies, identifying gaps and shortfalls.

Ø Develop an Autism Action Plan to meet local need/demand.

Ø Deliver a final report by 31st March 2009.

You will note from the details on progress achieved thus far, that consideration is still being given to identifying a named lead who will act as a local champion working across local agencies and acting as a contact for liaison with the Regional Co-ordinators. A decision as to who this individual should be, will be taken in due course.

I hope you will agree, that whilst much work remains to be undertaken in response to the ASD Strategic Action Plan, we have made a good start and are moving forward with some important initiatives. This will enable us to be well placed in completing the actions that are necessary, by end of March 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Ellis Williams,
Group Director, Community and Children’s Services,

So, there we have it, you can arrive at your own conclusions. However, I’ll be expressing my own now.

Yes, I agree that “important initiatives” have been discussed, but when will we actually see some concrete actions. The main obligations placed on Local Authorities, as I see it, is that they need to calculate the number of children AND, importantly, adults with an ASD. Secondly, there needs to be a person to mediate between all the various interested parties i.e. an ASD “champion.” I’m sorry, but I must say that the whole process to-date is progressing exceedingly slowly! And my evidence to support my disapproval is this. As with everything in life, there has to be relativity, consequently I’m comparing RCT Local Authority with all the other Local Authorities in Wales. If you take a visit to the Local Authority Progress Table on The NAS’s “think differently about autism” website, you will be able to compare all the Welsh Authorities; I first studied this Table months’ ago. I wish I lived in Ceredigion (along with other people whom wish I did!), they have a perfect score! Unfortunately, RCT are at the bottom along with four other Local Authorities! In the words of Mr E Williams… “much work remains to be undertaken in response to the ASD Strategic Action Plan.” I wholeheartedly agree!

Well, that’s your lot for now; otherwise I’m in danger of turning this “post” into an essay! Hwyl.

2 thoughts on “At last! A response from Social Services, RCT – However…

  1. Well done. Getting an answer from local authorities or even more national ones is like looking for hens teeth (very hard).I am an adult who may or may not have AS. (It looks like I might). I\’m currently suffering at the hands of my local social services as a result.Keep doing what you are doing.


  2. Hi Matt B,Thanks for the encouraging comment. Sorry to hear you are having a problem with Social Services; I gave up on them years\’ ago! On a brighter note, the situation for people, adults as well children, should improve in the near future IF the Local Authorities fulfil their obligations as stipulated by the WAG Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan. (I’m very keen to know what will happen if the Local Authorities do NOT implement their obligations; is there a time scale? If anyone knows the answer, please let us know.) Matt, there is a survey in progress on this blog concerning people affected by autism or Asperger’s Syndrome, including sufferers and their families. Why not make your feelings known by voting? Anyway, all the best, looking forward to hearing from you again soon.


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